Sadhguru’s Exam Advice: Chill Out and Ace Your Tests!
Don’t Stress, Brain Gains!
Popular spiritual guru Sadhguru, from Isha Foundation, had some wise words for students. He told them on Saturday to chill out about exams. Sadhguru explained that tests and studies actually help your brain grow stronger. In his chat session, ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’, he shared smart tips. He stressed keeping your brain busy helps it work even better.
You’re Unique, Just Like Everyone Else
Furthermore, Sadhguru advised against comparing yourself to friends. He pointed out it’s wrong to think you are less smart than others. Importantly, everyone has special talents. These unique skills allow you to do amazing things others can’t. He encouraged students to recognize their own strengths.
Exam Jitters? It’s Just Fear
Sharing a funny observation, Sadhguru talked about medicine sales. He noticed more tummy ache meds sold during exam time. Initially, he was puzzled by this. Later, he understood it was just exam fear causing it! Indeed, stress can affect your body.
Exams: Just a Small Step
Moreover, Sadhguru urged students not to fear exams. He clarified that education is bigger than just exams. Basically, tests are just to check if you are ready for the next level. They are like a stepping stone, not the final destination.
Study Smart, Live Better
In fact, Sadhguru highlighted why studies matter. He stated education gives you crucial knowledge. This knowledge, in turn, opens doors in life. Subjects like Physics, Maths, and Chemistry keep your brain sharp and active.
Unlock Your Inner Sparkle
To be truly capable, you need a dynamic and active brain, Sadhguru emphasized. He believes everyone has the potential to shine. However, this sparkle comes from putting in effort and trying your best. Don’t hold back your potential.
Mind-Body Connection Matters
Think about this, Sadhguru said, if you are physically present but mentally absent, that’s not good. Don’t let your mind and body become unhealthy. Instead, aim to make your brain and body work together for you, in harmony.
Quiet the Mind Chatter
Dealing with wandering thoughts and lack of focus? Sadhguru called it "mental diarrhoea." He suggested curbing it with meditation. He even shared a quick seven-minute meditation. He advised students to do it daily on an empty stomach to beat stress.
Simple Meditation for Stress-Free Exams
This meditation technique is easy, Sadhguru explained. It involves simply chanting sounds: ‘AAA’, ‘OOO’, and ‘MMM.’ He mentioned meditation helps to balance your amazing mind.
Meditation Benefits Brain Power
Sadhguru explained the power of meditation. He shared that Shambhavi Mudra meditation lights up a big chunk of your brain. This helps improve focus and calm the mind.
PM Modi’s Student Support Praised
Finally, Sadhguru praised Prime Minister Modi. He lauded Modi for caring about student exam stress. He appreciated the PM’s ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ program. PM Modi recently launched its eighth edition.